I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN. I am usually found in Machine Intelligence Laboratory at Komaba 2nd Campus of the University of Tokyo.
My research interests include natural language processing for health care, evaluation for LLMs/LMMs, and text quality estimation.
WikiSQE: A Large-Scale Dataset for Sentence Quality Estimation in Wikipedia PDF Code
Kenichiro Ando, Satoshi Sekine, Mamoru Komachi
[AAAI 24] The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Main track
Is Artificial Intelligence Capable of Generating Hospital Discharge Summaries from Inpatient Records? PDF
Kenichiro Ando, Takashi Okumura, Mamoru Komachi, Hiromasa Horiguchi, Yuji Matsumoto
PLOS Digital Health (2022)
Is In-hospital Meta-information Useful for Abstractive Discharge Summary Generation? PDF Slides
Kenichiro Ando, Mamoru Komachi, Takashi Okumura, Hiromasa Horiguchi, Yuji Matsumoto
[TAAI 2022] The 27th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence Best Paper Award🏆
Asagi: 合成データセットを活用した大規模日本語VLM PDF
上原 康平, 黒瀬 優介, 安道 健一郎, Jiali Chen, Fan Gao, 金澤 爽太郎, 坂本 拓彌, 竹田 悠哉, Boming Yang, Xinjie Zhao, 村尾 晃平, 吉田 浩, 田村 孝之, 合田 憲人, 喜連川 優, 原田 達也
言語処理学会第31回年次大会, 委員特別賞🎉
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr 2024 - Mar 2028 (¥1,170,000 × 4 years)
- Method for Practical Automated Essay Scoring Using Quality-Labeled External Data
Special Committee Award, NLP2025, Mar 2025
Best paper award, The 27th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 2022
Japanese VLM (Asagi) is reported in the following media.
- The University of Tokyo Press Release:
- Nikkei:
- Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun:
東大、日本語視覚言語モデル開発 オープンに利用可能
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